- This course is in person. Books will be given out at the first class.
- REGISTRATION DEADLINE: January 16th, 2023
The cost of the course is $250.00 plus books ($78.00): Total Cost $328.00
This Class is the 60 Hour Course Required by the State of Maryland in order to take the State issued PSI Exam for Real Estate Salesperson license.
- SCHEDULE: 6pm-10pm
- Mon Jan 23, Wed 25, Thurs 26
- Mon 30, Feb 1, Feb 2
- NO CLASS-Mon 6, Wed 8, Thurs 9
- Mon 13, Wed 15, Thurs 16
- Mon 20, Wed 22, Thurs 23
- Mon 27, March 1, 2-
- Mon March 6- Final Exam 6:30-8:30pm
- Modern Real Estate Practices 21st Edition
- Maryland Real Estate Practice and Law 16th Edition
- Cost: $78.00 (Included in total Price- Non Refundable)
For more information on Real Estate Agent Requirements in the State of Maryland and Elite Learning Academy.
CLICK HERE for Maryland Requirements
CLICK HERE for Course Catalog (Policies- Read before enrolling).
- For information on what to expect with a Career in Real Estate CLICK HERE
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